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fiber-reinforced concrete การใช้

  • Standard specification for fiber - reinforced concrete and shotcrete
  • Dynamic compressive testing and mechanical behavior of fiber - reinforced concrete
  • Test method for obtaining average residual - strength of fiber - reinforced concrete
  • Standard test method for flexural performance of fiber - reinforced concrete using beam with third - point loading
  • Standard test method for time of flow of fiber - reinforced concrete through inverted slump cone
  • The unified limit load solution of fiber - reinforced concrete cylinders considering the strain softening of material
  • The results of the article will enhance the fiber - reinforced concrete application in the pavement engineering
  • By testing study gains the method and process of the mix proportion of the fiber - reinforced concrete to apply road surface
  • In this paper , the mechanical behaviour of the fiber - reinforced concrete under static and dynamic loading are analyzed
  • Beaudoin j j . handbook of fiber - reinforced concrete : principal , properties , developments and application . canada : n . j noyes publication , 1990
  • The fiber - reinforced concrete is a kind of new complex material . this material has excellent capability to restrain bend , crack and bear fatigue
  • 2 . the type of steel fiber and the form of it in concrete are described and analyzed and the mechanism of fiber - reinforced concrete such as reinforcement , damage and cracking resistance is discussed
  • This article , based on the analysis of the fiber - reinforced concrete application at home or abroad nowadays and the authors own research on the techniques of fiber - reinforced concrete used in the construction of road - surface
  • This structural design is applied to real engineering . the construction technology and working results of fiber - reinforced concrete road are discussed by laying test road in order to promote the application of fiber - reinforced concrete . 5
  • 3 . according to the experimental results and the method to design road surface by using cement concrete , design theory , design method and design procedure fitting for single - skin and compound fiber - reinforced concrete road are brought forward . 4
  • Ultra - thin whitetopping pavement is a recently developed , low - cost , effective , quickly and fairly simple rehabilitation technique in which a 50 to 100mm thick layer of high - early strength , fiber - reinforced concrete is placed over a milled surface of distressed asphalt concrete pavement
  • The main research outputs of this paper are as follows : l . baed on the choosing rational mix proportion , the influence of changing volume proportion of steel fiber on mechanical properties such as crushing resistance , splitting resistance , breaking resistance and bending resistance and the variation rule of mechanical properties are studied by experiment and theoretical analysis of 320 samples . according to experimental results of different layered structure of fiber - reinforced concrete , the influence of layered height on splitting strength and breaking strength is discussed . so it offers reliable reference to design road structure by using fiber - reinforced concrete
  • By using the finite element method to analyze the deflection of thin - plate resting on foundation , discussing the design theory of road surface made from fiber - reinforced concrete , procedure methods and the techniques conceived , and probes initially into the feasibility of apply of road surface made from fiber - reinforced concrete , and analyzes the economic and social effects brought by this techniques
  • It can make ordinary concrete that is a kind of brittle material be changed to a kind of compound material that has better plasticity . its main working mechanism is to improve the brittleness of ordinary concrete by using short fibers that are scattered equably . because short fibers have higher dragging resistance and ordinary concrete has higher crushing strength in the process of stressing , every technical property of fiber - reinforced concrete is improved greatly
  • Accordingly fiber - reinforced concrete has better stressing properties such as crack resistance , bending resistance , anti - fatigue , anti - friction and high toughness . so it has brilliant future in highway surface , road surface of aerodrome and architectural construction . at first the application and theory of fiber - reinforced concrete at home and at abroad is analyzed in this paper
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